Well, it's the end of week one of this blog. Although some of the things I've picked as positives from my life appear trivial, I'm pleased I can pick things out at all!
I'm also pleased that the days that it's been hard to pick anything aren't the days when I've been late and frustrated at work but rather the days I've done precious little. This suggests that things aren't really as bad as I sometimes make out!
Today, though, was a lazy day and I've ended up picking these three things:
I managed to get some rubbish taken to the tip (or cowp, as we'd say in Fife), after some weeks of meaning to.
I almost finished my book (of which more will probably be said on my main blog once completed).
I went to cinema and saw 2012 (not overly impressive) and Paranormal Activity (quite good).
I'm back to work tomorrow, which should throw up more positives (and negatives!). I hope to be able to blog more about other Positive Psychology techniques over the coming week.